A game in which you defend your wheat crops from oncoming waves of slimes. You can't do much damage yourself and must therefore steer your herd of drones into the enemies to damage them. You can't control the drones directly - but they are scared of you and will try to move away from your position - so you must herd them like sheep.

Use coins to buy more drones, and make sure to keep them repaired when they fail.

CONTROLS: Move with 'WASD', speed boost with 'SPACE'-bar and repair broken drones and use shop with 'E'. Pause with 'ESC'.

KNOWN BUG: Unfortunately there is a bug in the jam-version which prevents wave 12 and onwards from spawning - which means no enemies will spawn after wave 11. It will be fixed after rating period ends.

Created for the Wowie Jam 4.0 using Godot and gdscript in approximately 15 hours of working time. The drones use boid flocking behaviour (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boids) which means every drone (boid) takes into accounts their neighbours velocities and positions when moving around. Flocking behaviour as seen with birds or fish emerges from these rules. Player is treated as a predator from which the boids flee.

This is my first ever gamejam and published game, so all and any feedback is more than welcome, thanks:)

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)


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For some reason, idk if it's because of the round, or becasue of the drones, but when I had acquired 74 drones, the slimes simply stopped spawning in. I was at round 11, if that helps.

Hard to understand at first because I am stupid, but... I LOVED IT!

Here's an idea: what if the wheat became broken and stuff and you could regrow it? :D

this game is so cool stunning visuals , DRONES, giant slimes moving grass with animation , this game was fun but the controlling drones is somewhat annoying i think making a more responsive drone can make it better

Very cool!  Nice animations :)



I didn't really understand how to use the drones


Ah - I should maybe have made that clearer, you don't directly control the drones but only herd them like you would a pack of sheep as they are afraid of you and will flee from you